viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2013

Market Analysis

yoUnique is a social media app that targets a niche. Users that are willing to go party and meet people and would love to spare money doing that.

When we consider the article on pandodaily, we can hope the niche social networks are going to explode when Facebook is becoming a general way of sharing with friends: a platform. That’s why yoUnique is directly connected with Facebook where users can share the places they’re at through the app.

yoUnique is an app that brings some leisure and hobbies to a social media level. On average people spend 1500$ yearly on their hobbies. An average cost of an app is 0.99 and the average monthly revenue is 4000$ for an iOS app and 1200 for an android. Apple isthe most profitable, actually the average revenue per download is 0.1$ all free and payable apps.

source: Forbes

Regarding competition, there are not many, we have not found any apps that do the same thing as yoUnique is expected to do. There are Tillate which business is based on night event photo covering, but they do not link people together with clubs.
The night life is a wide business lacking in some innovative ways of promoting events and attract more people and more suitable clients. Only in Barcelona there are around 40 clubs and 3 times the number of bars. The demand from these clubs to differentiate themselves thanks to new platforms exists.

source: Forbes 
The average number of download per app is 100’000 if we sum both android and ios. The revenue out of that is 4’600$.
Such a social app would cost slightly more to make so there has to be a revenue model.
We have looked at the yoUnique analogs what their models are.
Maybe we can apply one of these models and custom it to our business. 
We also have to keep in mind that yoUniques revenue does not come directly from the users but only from the endorsers that advertise through the app, the app itself is free for the users and the more users we have the more likely the clubs are to buy advertises from yoUnique.

Potential users for the app are many. Barcelona is the place aimed at for the apps launch. In the Barcelona metropolitan area there are 5.5 million people. Of that population a little over 3 million people are between the ages of 16-64 years old with 49% being male and 51% female. Within that group lies the main target group for yoUnique. The main target group is between 18 and 35 years old however we don’t have any data on how many are at that age exactly. According to an article in 20minutos 55, 2% of mobile phone users in Spain use smartphones. It can be estimated that this percentage is even higher among young people.


bellow 16 years old
16 to 64 years old
65 and older
bellow 16 years old
16 to 64 years old
65 and older



Another potential source for users in Barcelona are tourist and for that Barcelona is perfect since the city is visited by 7,4 million tourist every year. About 17% of these tourist are within our main target group. That gives us over 1.2 million tourist.  

Source: Barcelona Turisme

The aim is to launch the app on the Sónar festival. on that festival thousand of potential users come to Barcelona to and by giving endorsers free advertising at this big event we hope to gain many users which will translate into more advertises later.

1 comentario:

  1. There's some good work here on numbers, but you need to get to a specific number of users you think you can get in the first 1-3 years, and to explain the next markets you plan to go to and when, and the potential market size in those markets. How many in Barcelona might really use the app? 10,000? Think of anti-segments - who won't use your app? One other detail is to be careful of the numbers in the Forbes article. Averages for download prices are good, but average revenue is really meaningless because it averages the few apps making lots of money with the majority that make virtually nothing. Your main revenue source will be from bars advertising - this needs more of a bottom-up analysis.
