domingo, 10 de noviembre de 2013

A summary of the Actors, Needs, Solutions, and Context of Use

The idea of yoUnique has changed somewhat from its early stages. At first the actors were ordinary people that enjoy the nightlife and that would like to meet someone to spend a great time with. After some research and mind-storming the group realized that this product was destined to fail because it already existed on the market. We changed the whole revenue model and identified other endorsers as actors. The promoters can be clubs, bars, restaurants and big venues such as music festivals. We acknowledged these actors needs to endorse the products they're selling to the people that like to come to their places.
Club owners and other endorser could use yoUnique to promote their venues and advertise products.

There for yoUnique became a “trap” where we would focus on the two different customers and offer them distinct services. The needs of the two are very different. The users themselves which are vital for yoUnique to become a reality want a good way to get to know new people when they are out whilst the endorsers want these people to buy their products. We have to be careful that the app does not only become an advertising  platform without the other functionalities working that well, if that happens people are likely to stop using the App. Functionality is key and we know through some research that some of apps who connect people together have some issues with geo tagging through GPS. We added some changes to the initial  idea and believe we are improving other similar apps out there.
Knowing that new social apps are a huge fever between young people that generally go out to party we developed this to bring people together at specific moments and use this moments to enter with efficient advertising.

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