domingo, 10 de noviembre de 2013


The name of the company is yoUnique

The yoUnique team has five members, they are;

Ágúst Elvarsson
Higor Chagas
Malik Benaboud
Thiago Dappes Guimarães
Victor Perez-Rosales

A summary of the Actors, Needs, Solutions, and Context of Use

The idea of yoUnique has changed somewhat from its early stages. At first the actors were ordinary people that enjoy the nightlife and that would like to meet someone to spend a great time with. After some research and mind-storming the group realized that this product was destined to fail because it already existed on the market. We changed the whole revenue model and identified other endorsers as actors. The promoters can be clubs, bars, restaurants and big venues such as music festivals. We acknowledged these actors needs to endorse the products they're selling to the people that like to come to their places.
Club owners and other endorser could use yoUnique to promote their venues and advertise products.

There for yoUnique became a “trap” where we would focus on the two different customers and offer them distinct services. The needs of the two are very different. The users themselves which are vital for yoUnique to become a reality want a good way to get to know new people when they are out whilst the endorsers want these people to buy their products. We have to be careful that the app does not only become an advertising  platform without the other functionalities working that well, if that happens people are likely to stop using the App. Functionality is key and we know through some research that some of apps who connect people together have some issues with geo tagging through GPS. We added some changes to the initial  idea and believe we are improving other similar apps out there.
Knowing that new social apps are a huge fever between young people that generally go out to party we developed this to bring people together at specific moments and use this moments to enter with efficient advertising.

viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2013

Market Analysis

yoUnique is a social media app that targets a niche. Users that are willing to go party and meet people and would love to spare money doing that.

When we consider the article on pandodaily, we can hope the niche social networks are going to explode when Facebook is becoming a general way of sharing with friends: a platform. That’s why yoUnique is directly connected with Facebook where users can share the places they’re at through the app.

yoUnique is an app that brings some leisure and hobbies to a social media level. On average people spend 1500$ yearly on their hobbies. An average cost of an app is 0.99 and the average monthly revenue is 4000$ for an iOS app and 1200 for an android. Apple isthe most profitable, actually the average revenue per download is 0.1$ all free and payable apps.

source: Forbes

Regarding competition, there are not many, we have not found any apps that do the same thing as yoUnique is expected to do. There are Tillate which business is based on night event photo covering, but they do not link people together with clubs.
The night life is a wide business lacking in some innovative ways of promoting events and attract more people and more suitable clients. Only in Barcelona there are around 40 clubs and 3 times the number of bars. The demand from these clubs to differentiate themselves thanks to new platforms exists.

source: Forbes 
The average number of download per app is 100’000 if we sum both android and ios. The revenue out of that is 4’600$.
Such a social app would cost slightly more to make so there has to be a revenue model.
We have looked at the yoUnique analogs what their models are.
Maybe we can apply one of these models and custom it to our business. 
We also have to keep in mind that yoUniques revenue does not come directly from the users but only from the endorsers that advertise through the app, the app itself is free for the users and the more users we have the more likely the clubs are to buy advertises from yoUnique.

Potential users for the app are many. Barcelona is the place aimed at for the apps launch. In the Barcelona metropolitan area there are 5.5 million people. Of that population a little over 3 million people are between the ages of 16-64 years old with 49% being male and 51% female. Within that group lies the main target group for yoUnique. The main target group is between 18 and 35 years old however we don’t have any data on how many are at that age exactly. According to an article in 20minutos 55, 2% of mobile phone users in Spain use smartphones. It can be estimated that this percentage is even higher among young people.


bellow 16 years old
16 to 64 years old
65 and older
bellow 16 years old
16 to 64 years old
65 and older



Another potential source for users in Barcelona are tourist and for that Barcelona is perfect since the city is visited by 7,4 million tourist every year. About 17% of these tourist are within our main target group. That gives us over 1.2 million tourist.  

Source: Barcelona Turisme

The aim is to launch the app on the Sónar festival. on that festival thousand of potential users come to Barcelona to and by giving endorsers free advertising at this big event we hope to gain many users which will translate into more advertises later.


We interviewed five people to get a little glimpse if people would in generally like the idea of an app connecting them with other people and give them promotions at clubs, parties, bars etc. At this stage we did not tell the people to much, we merely asked them how they usually liked to meet new people, how they wanted to receive promotions at clubs and bars.

After these initial 5 interviews the next step is to perhaps get 10-15 more people to answer the same questions. After that we will be able to compose a questionnaire out of these questions and ask more specific questions and then perhaps it can be asked to a bigger population.

We will also need to interview some promoters, bar- and club owners to see if they would really like to get their products out by promoting them through this kind of app. But first we want to see if we can really get the users since everything depends on them.

What sex are you? Male/female
How old are you?
Where are you from? Nationality
How often do you go partying? And why do you go?
-Twice a month
How many social networks are you affiliated to? And what do you use them for?
-Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn
Do you use “guest lists” to get into a club? And what would you improve of them?
-No I do not
When trying to get to know new people what do you normally do?
-I meet them through common friends, drinks, party or diners.
How do you think Social media could help you with this?
-Not so much
What factors encourage you to download an app?
-Utility, advices, promo
What is the average time you use an app for? And what factors make you stop using that app?
-       10 min – 20min
-       Going to work, diner, sleep
Would you like a social media network that connects you to people through party? Why? How would you do it?
-Not really. I just call my friends. That’s the only way I go party.
How do you value your privacy in the social networks? (How private you have your Facebook)
-Most important. I don’t like to have my life displayed publicly especially partying. I am a working girl and it is very delicate in an early career to show this aspect.
Have you ever blocked someone on a social network? why?
-Yes. Harassing.
Do you use coupons when buying? Where do you get them from? Would you like those type of offers inside clubs?
-       No I do not, I wouldn't mind having offers for clubs.
How would you like to receive information of special offers at the club you are at?
            - Maybe Facebook, friends inviting me to events or if subscribe somehow to the club page. Or email

What sex are you? Male/female
How old are you?
Where are you from? Nationality
How often do you go partying? And why do you go?
-One or two times
How many social networks are you affiliated to? And what do you use them for?
-Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn
Do you use “guest lists” to get into a club? And what would you improve of them?
-Sometimes, but yes I am generally invited.
When trying to get to know new people what do you normally do?
-Work, friend’s clubs party
How do you think Social media could help you with this?
- Subscribe to promoters
What factors encourage you to download an app?
-The ranking on the app store
What is the average time you use an app for? And what factors make you stop using that app?
Would you like a social media network that connects you to people through party? why? How would you do it?
-Could be nice. If they offer good parties or entries.
How do you value your privacy in the social networks? (How private you have your Facebook)
-It is very important. MY Facebook is quite private, only friends can see and I don’t have a lot of friends connected.
Have you ever blocked someone on a social network? why?
-No but delete friends
Do you use coupons when buying? Where do you get them from? Would you like those type of offers inside clubs?
-       Coupons sometimes in supermarket. It could be nice having offers from the club.
How would you like to receive information of special offers at the club you are at?
-       Through Facebook or twitter

What sex are you? Male/female
How old are you?
Where are you from? Nationality
How often do you go partying? And why do you go?
-2-3 times a month
How many social networks are you affiliated to? And what do you use them for?
-Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, twitter, Badoo.
Do you use “guest lists” to get into a club? And what would you improve of them?
- I do organize guest lists
When trying to get to know new people what do you normally do?
-I meet friends at uni, through other friends, clubs and many on Facebook
How do you think Social media could help you with this?
- The more platforms to promote the better
What factors encourage you to download an app?
-The quality of the app
What is the average time you use an app for? And what factors make you stop using that app?
Would you like a social media network that connects you to people through party? Why? How would you do it?
-Yes, I am a promoter, I would love to have such a tools in my pocket
How do you value your privacy in the social networks? (How private you have your Facebook)
-Well, it is more or less my way of letting people ‘’window-shopping’’
Have you ever blocked someone on a social network? Why?
-Yes an ex
Do you use coupons when buying? Where do you get them from? Would you like those type of offers inside clubs?
-I use Groupon
How would you like to receive information of special offers at the club you are at?
-       Facebook

What sex are you? Male/female
How old are you?
Where are you from? Nationality
How often do you go partying? And why do you go?
-once a week
How many social networks are you affiliated to? And what do you use them for?
-Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram
Do you use “guest lists” to get into a club? And what would you improve of them?
When trying to get to know new people what do you normally do?
-University, friends clubs
How do you think Social media could help you with this?
- Sometimes you see people on social media, on pictures etc. so the day you see them you already know if you’re interested
What factors encourage you to download an app?
-I don’t know. The need
What is the average time you use an app for? And what factors make you stop using that app?
Would you like a social media network that connects you to people through party? Why? How would you do it?
-Why not.
How do you value your privacy in the social networks? (How private you have your Facebook)
-Important! I have a girlfriend.
Have you ever blocked someone on a social network? Why?
Do you use coupons when buying? Where do you get them from? Would you like those type of offers inside clubs?
How would you like to receive information of special offers at the club you are at?
-        Facebook certainly

What sex are you? Male/female
How old are you?
Where are you from? Nationality
How often do you go partying? And why do you go?
-not so much
How many social networks are you affiliated to? And what do you use them for?
-Facebook, LinkedIn
Do you use “guest lists” to get into a club? And what would you improve of them?
-It happened a few times in summer.
When trying to get to know new people what do you normally do?
How do you think Social media could help you with this?
- Maybe matching people to me.
What factors encourage you to download an app?
-I am always look for new apps
What is the average time you use an app for? And what factors make you stop using that app?
Would you like a social media network that connects you to people through party? Why? How would you do it?
-I don’t go out so much.
How do you value your privacy in the social networks? (How private you have your Facebook)
-I don’t let so much appear from my private life
Have you ever blocked someone on a social network? Why?
-yes. Spam or Offensive people
Do you use coupons when buying? Where do you get them from? Would you like those type of offers inside clubs?
How would you like to receive information of special offers at the club you are at?
-        Facebook