miércoles, 4 de diciembre de 2013

  • Create 1 to 3 personas for your target segments 
First Persona:

18-30 year old heterosexual man that probably has a job and also is an university student. He has friends from college and maybe from the gym and he is used to meet girls by friends in common in hush hour and when he goes out to clubs.
When he's with male friends he talks about girls and also flirts with girls on the street to show himself off and maybe have a real date.
He likes to drink and can spend some money on it but he would like to save some to go out more times in a month. 

Second Persona:

18-25 year old heterosexual woman that hopes to find a boyfriend and have fun with her girlfriends in clubs. She is a student and probably has a job and she keeps friends from childhood that encourage her to keep looking for Mr. Right.
She is shy and would not download the app at first or maybe hide the real reasons when making the download.

Third Persona:

18-21 year old girl that used to have a boyfriend from a long time in her teenager times and recently broke up. Now she feels that she needs to have more fun with her friends and parties are always a great choice for her.
She has the feeling that now she can recover all the past years she was in a relationship and she wants to have more dates now that she can. This girl won't probably hide she wants to meet guys and she will try to be single as long as she can.

Forth Persona:

30-35 year old club manager that thinks about business but still knows what young people want and need. He/She will probably take advantage of the social app to make and promote all the advertisement of the establishment he/she manage.
he/She believes that all kind of media is valid to get to the customer and associating the advertisement with smartphones would be a great deal for him/her.

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